Patient Privacy Policy

Rocky Mountain Treatment Center


This notice describes how medical and clinical information about you may be used and disclosed, and how you can get access to this information. Please review it carefully.

Rocky Mountain Treatment Center (RMTC) is an inpatient alcohol and substance abuse treatment program. We are required by state and federal law to protect your private health information (PHI) from being improperly used or released. This notice will tell you what RMTC is legally permitted to do with your PHI and what rights you have with regard to such information. The below is in accordance with 42 CFR Part 2 of the HHS Privacy Rule and 45 CFR Parts 160 and 164, Subparts A and E of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA).


When RMTC receives PHI about you, we follow the law to protect the privacy of your information. The law permits us to use this information and share it with others if the PHI is being used for your medical treatment, the payment of your medical bills or for health care operations. Furthermore, RMTC adheres to laws that provide specific instances when PHI information must be shared (disclosed), even without your written authorization.

The following disclosures may be made without the patient’s consent or authorization:

  • In connection with alcohol and substance abuse treatment (communication between RMTC staff), payment (insurance companies or other entities responsible for payment for services such as workers’ compensation or tribal programs) or health care operations (qualified individuals or organizations providing services to the program).
  • The disclosure is allowed by a court order;
  • The disclosure is made to medical personnel in a medical emergency;
  • The disclosure is made if patient is a potential threat to self or others and/or if the patient commits or threatens to commit a crime either at RMTC or against any person who works for RMTC;
  • To report suspected child abuse or neglect;
  • To auditors and evaluators;
  • To researchers if the information will be protected as required by Federal regulations;
  • To Public Health and legal authorities to which certain disease information must be reported in order to prevent or control disease, injury or disability.

As required by law, we only share the minimum necessary PHI that is needed by the provider or agency to accomplish the authorized purpose. We do not use PHI for marketing and/or fundraising activities, nor do we sell PHI to any individual or organization.

Privacy rule requirements:

  • Other disclosures will be made only with the patient’s written consent or authorization, which can be revoked, unless RMTC has taken action in reliance on the consent or authorization;
  • RMTC may contact the patient to provide appointment reminders or information about treatment alternatives or other health-related benefits and services that may be of interest to the patient;
  • It is required by law to maintain the privacy of PHI and to notify patients of its legal duties and privacy practices, including any changes to its policies;
  • RMTC must abide by the terms of the notice currently in effect;
  • RMTC reserves the right to change the terms of its notice and to make the new notice provisions effective for all information it maintains;
  • RMTC will provide the patient with a revised notice of its practices in writing and obtain the patient’s signature of acknowledgement of receipt.


  • The patient can request restrictions on certain uses and disclosures in writing and given to the Clinical Director. RMTC is not required to agree with requested restrictions.
  • The patient has the right to receive confidential communication of health information by requesting limited receipt defined in writing (calls only to home phone, mail only to home address etc.) and given to the Medical Records Technician.
  • The right to access and amend health information.
  • The right to receive an accounting of RMTC’s disclosures of PHI.
  • The right to file a complaint - free from retaliation - to RMTC and/or to the Secretary of Health and Human Services about violations of privacy rights.
  • The right to receive a copy of this notice and provide further information upon request to our Medical Records Technician.

This notice is yours to keep. RMTC will follow the requirements in this notice, and reserves the right to change this notice. If the information changes, you will be provided a copy of the updated notice. If you have questions concerning this notice, please ask the individual who gave it to you. If that individual cannot answer your questions, contact the RMTC Privacy Officer at (406) 727-8832.


For further information about RMTC privacy practices, to exercise your rights described in this notice, if you feel your privacy rights have been violated by RMTC, or to file a complaint, you may contact:

920 4th Ave. N.

Great Falls, MT 59401

Phone: (406) 727-8832

You may also file a complaint with the Secretary of Health and Human Services’ Office for Civil Rights (within 180 days of the violation or the date you learned of it):

Centralized Case Management Operations

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

200 Independence Avenue, S.W.

Room 509F HHH Bldg.

Washington, D.C. 20201

Phone: (866) 627-7748; Website:

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