I started my journey in recovery in January 2017. I’ve been an addict and alcoholic since I was 16 years old. I had a family with 3 kids, a home, and a great job as an electrician and because of my using lost everything and became distant from my kids. I reached out for help and went to in-patient treatment and at 6 months sober started working at Rocky as a Treatment Assistant in August 2017. About a year and a half later I was promoted to Admissions Coordinator. I am usually the first person someone talks to when reaching out for help, either for themselves or a loved one. I can honestly share with them that there is hope for the suffering addict and alcoholic.
My passion is helping people find recovery through the discovery in treatment. And today my relationship with my kids is indescribable! Through working the 12 Steps I have a life I never could’ve dreamed of.
My name is Leanna, I am a recovering addict. I was born and raised here in Great Falls, MT. I have struggled with addiction for over 10 years. I grew up in a home full of alcoholism and addiction, I told myself I would never choose that path, I believe it chose me. My father killed himself in 2003 and that is when I found my escape through drugs and alcohol. My addiction carried me through some very low phases in my life. At 29 with 2 amazing sons, who were growing up fast, I realized I was raising them the same way I was raised. With this realization, I knew it was time to pick myself up, ask for help and start fighting for my life. With the help of my higher power, inpatient treatment and the 12 steps I was able to reclaim my life. Today I am very proud to say I have almost 3 years clean and sober.
There is no way I could have done this alone. That is one of the many reasons I love Rocky Mountain Treatment Center. I want to be there for the ones still struggling, to help instill hope into their hearts and let them know they are not alone.
Admissions Coordinator
I started my journey in recovery in January 2017. I’ve been an addict and alcoholic since I was 16 years old. I had a family with 3 kids, a home, and a great job as an electrician and because of my using lost everything and became distant from my kids. I reached out for help and went to in-patient treatment and at 6 months sober started working at Rocky as a Treatment Assistant in August 2017. About a year and a half later I was promoted to Admissions Coordinator. I am usually the first person someone talks to when reaching out for help, either for themselves or a loved one. I can honestly share with them that there is hope for the suffering addict and alcoholic.
My passion is helping people find recovery through the discovery in treatment. And today my relationship with my kids is indescribable! Through working the 12 Steps I have a life I never could’ve dreamed of.
My name is Leanna, I am a recovering addict. I was born and raised here in Great Falls, MT. I have struggled with addiction for over 10 years. I grew up in a home full of alcoholism and addiction, I told myself I would never choose that path, I believe it chose me. My father killed himself in 2003 and that is when I found my escape through drugs and alcohol. My addiction carried me through some very low phases in my life. At 29 with 2 amazing sons, who were growing up fast, I realized I was raising them the same way I was raised. With this realization, I knew it was time to pick myself up, ask for help and start fighting for my life. With the help of my higher power, inpatient treatment and the 12 steps I was able to reclaim my life. Today I am very proud to say I have almost 3 years clean and sober.
There is no way I could have done this alone. That is one of the many reasons I love Rocky Mountain Treatment Center. I want to be there for the ones still struggling, to help instill hope into their hearts and let them know they are not alone.
Admissions Coordinator
We Understand That Starting Treatment Can Be Stressful.
Here at Rocky Mountain Treatment Center over 90% of our staff are in recovery, which is why you will feel empathy, love and acceptance from the moment you walk through our doors. Our Admissions Team has decades of experience, and will walk you through the admissions process step by step, and help you with insurance questions, travel arrangements, packing tips, and detailed information about our individualized treatment programs.
We keep the admissions process convenient and simple with:
Individuals seeking treatment can self-refer or be referred by family, healthcare professionals, counselors, attorneys, hospitals or public health entities.
Admissions must be cleared by Rocky Mountain staff prior to confirmation of date and time.
Smoking permitted in designated areas.
Rocky Mountain Treatment Center offers several financial solutions for paying for Treatment. We are IN-Network with most insurance providers to facilitate the greatest benefit from your coverage. We also work with reputable user friendly finance companies, and accept private pay.
We accept all major Credit Cards.
What Insurance plans do you take? Rocky Mountain Treatment Center is In-Network with most Insurance Companies.
Your insurance cards and a form of identification
List of names, addresses and phone numbers of those you wish to have involved in your treatment.
A notebook or journal, stamps, and envelopes if you wish to mail letters.
Jewelry that you wear every day and consider to be a necessity, like your wedding ring or a watch. Otherwise, leave valuable items at home.
Pictures of your loved ones to keep in your room or wallet
Your current prescription medication in the original pharmacy bottle with the information label intact. Inhalers must be in original box. Any liquid medications must be new and sealed. You should also bring a list of all your medications and dosages.
Shirts: if bringing tank tops, bring a t-shirt or sweater to go over it
Over-the-counter medication must be unopened and sealed, approved by medical staff before use
Blue jeans, leisure pants, sweat pants, capris and gym clothes
Cash or Debit Card for any prescriptions “co-pays,” tobacco products, postage or other incidentals
Drug paraphernalia, illegal drugs, mood altering drugs
Alcoholic or non-alcoholic beverages
Aerosol containers
Toiletries containing alcohol including; colognes, perfumes, aftershave lotion, mouthwash
Electronics of any kind.
If you bring a phone, it will be returned to you at the end of your stay
Food of any kind
Nail polish and remover
Weapons and pocket knives.
Prefer to Start the Process Online? Fill Out Our Online Intake Form or Submit an Information Request, and Our Admissions Team Will Reach Out to You for a Free Confidential Consultation.
Call us at 406-453-5080 if you need assistance completing the Intake Form, and our Admissions Team will walk you through the form step by step. You can also scan and email us the form at info@rehabrocky.com, or Fax us the form at 406-727-8172.
Thank you for contacting us. We'll get back to you as soon as possible.
However, currently we cannot accept Medicaid or Medicare as a form of payment. Financing options are available.
920 4th Ave N
Great Falls, MT 59401
Copyright © Rocky Mountain Treatment Center | All Rights Reserved