After Care

Post-Treatment Care

Many people would like to believe that completing an addiction treatment program is the cure for their addiction. Aftercare, however, is vital to succeeding in recovery. After the completion of treatment, life can be challenging. We have changed, but we may return to difficult circumstances. As a result, there is the potential for relapse. Fortunately, Rocky Mountain Treatment Center offers individualized comprehensive aftercare planning to ensure our clients have a strong, specific, and clear plan for life after treatment. The plan may include sober living, group therapy, intensive outpatient treatment, mental health counseling, and a variety of other services clients will need to successfully reintegrate into their communities. Rocky Mountain Treatment Center offers a weekly Aftercare Program facilitated by a counselor via zoom. This program gives past clients the opportunity to share about struggles, successes, and everything in between openly and receive feedback and support in those areas. Our goal is for clients to make a seamless transition from treatment to their homes and communities.

Aftercare is a fundamental component of living a successful life of recovery and sobriety. It reinforces the skills and coping methods clients have learned, ensuring they feel comfortable and supported as they begin a new way of living.

I learned that I was completely powerless over alcohol and my life was unmanageable. While working with the counselors, attending AA meetings and Equine therapy, I was able to take the blinders off and truly see who I was, soon pride, anger, self-pity, were being replaced by spirituality, humility, and hope. I will be leaving RMTC soon, but I feel I have been given the tools to remain emotionally, spiritually and physically healthy.

Is Sober Living For You?

Here at Rocky Mountain Treatment Center, our Case Manager will work with each client to assess their individual needs. Sober Living Homes play an important role in recovery for unstable home environments.

Sober living homes are designed to help recovering alcoholics and drug addicts bridge the gap between inpatient treatment and a return to independent living.

Aftercare is so important to ensuring long-term recovery success, and sober living homes can help with that.

Are You Or A Loved One Struggling With Addiction? We’ve Been There. We Can Help!

Call Us Today 406-453-5080

Prefer to Start the Process Online? Fill Out Our Online Intake Form or Submit an Information Request, and Our Admissions Team Will Reach Out to You for a Free Confidential Consultation.

Struggling with Addiction?

We've Been There, We Can Help.


 However, currently we cannot accept Medicaid or Medicare as a form of payment. Financing options are available.

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