920 4th Ave N
Great Falls, MT 59401
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I started my journey in recovery in January 2017. I’ve been an addict and alcoholic since I was 16 years old. I had a family with 3 kids, a home, and a great job as an electrician and because of my using lost everything and became distant from my kids. I reached out for help and went to in-patient treatment and at 6 months sober started working at Rocky as a Treatment Assistant in August 2017. About a year and a half later I was promoted to Admissions Coordinator. I am usually the first person someone talks to when reaching out for help, either for themselves or a loved one. I can honestly share with them that there is hope for the suffering addict and alcoholic.
My passion is helping people find recovery through the discovery in treatment. And today my relationship with my kids is indescribable! Through working the 12 Steps I have a life I never could’ve dreamed of.
My name is Leanna, I am a recovering addict. I was born and raised here in Great Falls, MT. I have struggled with addiction for over 10 years. I grew up in a home full of alcoholism and addiction, I told myself I would never choose that path, I believe it chose me. My father killed himself in 2003 and that is when I found my escape through drugs and alcohol. My addiction carried me through some very low phases in my life. At 29 with 2 amazing sons, who were growing up fast, I realized I was raising them the same way I was raised. With this realization, I knew it was time to pick myself up, ask for help and start fighting for my life. With the help of my higher power, inpatient treatment and the 12 steps I was able to reclaim my life. Today I am very proud to say I have almost 3 years clean and sober.
There is no way I could have done this alone. That is one of the many reasons I love Rocky Mountain Treatment Center. I want to be there for the ones still struggling, to help instill hope into their hearts and let them know they are not alone.
Admissions Coordinator
I started my journey in recovery in January 2017. I’ve been an addict and alcoholic since I was 16 years old. I had a family with 3 kids, a home, and a great job as an electrician and because of my using lost everything and became distant from my kids. I reached out for help and went to in-patient treatment and at 6 months sober started working at Rocky as a Treatment Assistant in August 2017. About a year and a half later I was promoted to Admissions Coordinator. I am usually the first person someone talks to when reaching out for help, either for themselves or a loved one. I can honestly share with them that there is hope for the suffering addict and alcoholic.
My passion is helping people find recovery through the discovery in treatment. And today my relationship with my kids is indescribable! Through working the 12 Steps I have a life I never could’ve dreamed of.
My name is Leanna, I am a recovering addict. I was born and raised here in Great Falls, MT. I have struggled with addiction for over 10 years. I grew up in a home full of alcoholism and addiction, I told myself I would never choose that path, I believe it chose me. My father killed himself in 2003 and that is when I found my escape through drugs and alcohol. My addiction carried me through some very low phases in my life. At 29 with 2 amazing sons, who were growing up fast, I realized I was raising them the same way I was raised. With this realization, I knew it was time to pick myself up, ask for help and start fighting for my life. With the help of my higher power, inpatient treatment and the 12 steps I was able to reclaim my life. Today I am very proud to say I have almost 3 years clean and sober.
There is no way I could have done this alone. That is one of the many reasons I love Rocky Mountain Treatment Center. I want to be there for the ones still struggling, to help instill hope into their hearts and let them know they are not alone.
Admissions Coordinator
However, currently we do not accept Medicaid or Medicare as a form of payment. Financing options are available.
Rocky Mountain saved my life. I was "terminally unique" when I came. I had a rationalization for all the craziness in my life caused by alcohol - the common theme being it was someone else's fault. The staff here get it - most of them are in recovery themselves. They were able to show me my "stinking thinking" and gave me the tools to live a meaningful sober life. I am eternally grateful. Thank you, thank you, thank you to the whole Rocky Mountain team!
- Thomas
Rocky Mountain Treatment Center has been the catalyst to my recovery. It was the best decision my family, and I have made towards healing. I was extremely nervous and afraid to come to treatment but was immediately comforted and welcomed. I was able to heal physically, and have all the tools I need to continue mental and emotional healing upon graduation. I could form bonds with peers that will continue.
- Amy
My name is Chris. After struggling with Alcoholism for over 30 years, the center opened my eyes to a new life. The counseling and care I received were excellent! The tools for a sober life that they taught me I will always use, “one day at a time.” I am writing this with a heart full of gratitude because the treatment center saved my life. I thank God every day for bringing me there. Always Grateful
- Chris
Department of Public Health and Human Services
State of Montana Department of Institutions Chemical Dependency Bureau
Rocky Mountain Treatment Center has earned the Joint Commission’s Gold Seal of Approval. To view our Accreditation Quality Information, contact the Joint Commission
However, currently we cannot accept Medicaid or Medicare as a form of payment. Financing options are available.
920 4th Ave N
Great Falls, MT 59401
Copyright © Rocky Mountain Treatment Center | All Rights Reserved